API Reference

Upload a CSV file containing an asset hierarchy

Accepts a hierarchy of assets, validating that the given asset types and their data fields are correct and associating parents with children to an arbitrary depth and in an arbitrary order.

It defines required fields in the CSV ( "asset_type","name","parent"). "name" values must be unique.

The value of the "parent" field must point to a "name" value, unless it's a top-level asset, in which case it should have a "parent" value of "null". The "asset_type" field must map to a valid asset type in our system (e.g. solar/string).

Error responses may include the syntax rows[<row_number>].<field_name>. An example of this looks like the following: "description": "This field or parameter is required","field": "rows[1].parent". This means that the first CSV record below the headers is missing the parent field.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!